
Monday 18 May 2015


"As a term functional movement has started to drift in the same direction as the term core stability which started out well and then became far distant from its original meaning. People have come to understand this as a specific kind of training with specific kinds of equipment. And if you use this equipment then it’s somehow functional.

People think that standing swinging something about is functional as compared to sitting on a machine. But this is a long way from what I would consider to be functional movement.
Functional movement is the movement that you need to perform the tasks and activities that you enjoy and want to do in your daily life.

What is it you need to do in your job and for recreation? So it’s a much bigger umbrella. Instead of FM being a thing, AN exercise, it’s actually an overall concept. So what is functional for one person is not for another."
 -- Joanne Elphinston via this wonderful podcast by Ariana Yoga

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