
Wednesday 28 March 2012

Pose of the week


Malasana (Garland Pose)

A re-post...because  this pose is important!
Squatting is a fundamental movement that everyone, regardless of yoga practice and barring injury, needs to get right. We all have the intrinsic physical tools to squat the right way, and, as Mark Sisson so eloquently puts it... "if it weren’t for those pesky creature comforts of civilization (chairs, toilets, heeled shoes, Smith machines) softening us up and messing with our joint mobility, Grandma might be darning you a sweater from the Grok squat pose instead of the rocking chair."

Malasana is, i think, one of the most important stretches for the body and the beauty is it's about letting go and allowing gravity to do the work.

Practice Here's a 'how to' guide. I would advise using blocks or a folded/rolled mat under the heels if they don't comfortably come to the ground. It can also be a nice pose to do in partners to help you with that sense of surrender and spreading weight evenly over the feet.

Sequencing Good poses to prepare include Baddha Konasana, Upavistha Konasana and Virasana. Follow with Uttanasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana.

Benefits Stretches the ankles, lower legs, hips, groins and back torso and can help prevent compression on the tailbone, the sacrum and lower back.

Cautions  Low back or knee injuries.

1 comment:

  1. Its an impressive and easy wording blog i really dont know about yoga poses but when once i read these i understood everything.Thanks for sharing this.
