
Wednesday 14 March 2012

Pose of the week

Pincha Mayurasana
Like Adho Mukha Vrksasana, this pose involves learning to open your shoulders, and similarly, you use a wall to assist with balance until the pose becomes easy.   Classically this pose is essentially a vertical one.   Although there will be some arch in your back naturally, you aren't specifically trying to achieve any sort of real backbend such as in Vrschikasana.

You may find it helpful to use a belt around tour elbows to keep them from splaying outward and to keep your forearms parallel. Similarly, having your hands on either side of a block placed against the wall will keep your hands from moving inward and provide extra leverage for the pose.

Practice: This is a great sequence if you want to concentrate on working towards Pincha Mayurasana.

Sequencing: I like to come into this before or from headstand and generally inthe middle of a sequence or after a good warm-up. Postures for preparation include; Adho Mukha Vrksasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Gomukhasana, Prasarita Padottanasana (with a block squeezed between the bent elbows), Supta Virasana, Uttanasana. Follow up with;

Benefits: Strengthens the shoulders, arms, and back. Stretches the shoulders and neck, chest, and belly. Improves sense of balance. 

Cautions: Back, shoulder, or neck injury, headache, heart condition, high blood pressure, menstruation.

 This variation made me giggle...

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