
Monday 27 February 2012

Pose of the week.

Upavistha Konasana
Upavistha Konasana requires a level of flexibility in the hip joints and thigh muscles, such as the adductors, that can be challenging. It is a good one to practice a few times a week, but please practice within your ability and with an attitude of exploration and curiosity about what is possible for you right now.

Practice: Once sitting, separate your legs as wide apart as you can without causing discomfort in your inner knees. If you find that, as you sit on the floor, your pelvis rolls backward, then use props to help many blankets/blocks as you need! Keep your legs nice and straight throughout the pose, knees pointing up to the ceiling, activating the feet and extending through the inner seams of the legs (through to your inner heel and big toe). 

Remember, in all forward bends the 'bending' motion does not come from rounding the spine. it comes from tilting your pelvis forward and moving it over the thighbones, therefore leaving your spine relatively undisturbed. Rounding your back is a flexion movement that can put to much pressure on the disks between the lumbar vertebrae.

If you can easily lift your spine and maintain its normal curves, then come forward slowly, breathing with ease and using your arms and hands to support you. I like to use my inhalations to keep my spine long and my exhalations to initiate the forward movement from the hip joints and pelvis.  ENJOY!

Sequencing: As part of a seated series, it usually follows Janu Sirsasana and is practices before or after Baddha Konasana.

Benefits: Stretches the insides and backs of the legs (adductors and hamstrings), increases mobility in the hip joints,  strengthens the spine, can be a nice pose for period pain, releases groins

Cautions: Avoid this pose if you have any strain in your inner thigh muscles or problems in your lower back.

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