
Sunday 26 February 2012

Here and Now: Meditation

1. Remind yourself that you exist here and now.
Be aware of your body as it exists in this present moment, here and now.
Accept your life as it exists in this present moment, here and now. No matter how boring, banal, stressful, sad, happy; at any given moment it is all we have with us.

2. Just be aware of the acivities going on all around you in this present moment.
At any given moment. there are many things that are happening in and around you. Even if you are just sitting and not doing anything, many things are going on. Your breathing process, your heart is pumping, your hair and nails are growing  at a small speed, in short - hundred of activities are going on inside your body at this very moment. 
In the outer world also numerous things are happening around you at the present moment. You are surrounded by a very active atmosphere, whose properties such as temperature and pressure etc are  changing every moment. There are numerous sounds and smells echoing around you at this very moment - also constantly changing.
Just be aware of the present moment. Just be aware of all those activities which are going on in and around you at this present moment. Do not concentrate upon them .Thing are happening on their own. Just be aware of them.

3. From now on do everything with this same awareness.  
Just keep doing whatever you are doing at this moment but ---- do it with awareness that you are doing it. 

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